Getting Past Your Past

How To Heal Trauma Without Getting Stuck


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Getting Past Your Past

How To Heal Trauma Without Getting Stuck

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Revisit Traumas Without Being Held Back By Them, So You Can Claim Emotional Freedom And Move On With Your Life


The struggles we face today may be rooted in traumatic events from our past…

If you ever…

  • Feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with the stress of daily life - almost like the peace, calm, and stability you want to feel are trapped and inaccessible.
  • Feel like you’re not in control - you work, worry, shut down, lose your temper, or spiral into self-sabotage or hopelessness despite trying everything you can think of.
  • Find yourself going through the motions, exhausted, struggling to access the sense of motivation and purpose you wish you had.

You’re not alone.

It makes sense that we respond out of an activated or overwhelmed place when we’ve been “programmed” by our histories to react that way. 

The Past Is A Lens… It Determines How 
We Interact With The World

When our lens distorts our view of what’s happening now, we’re prone to repeating past mistakes.

It’s only by revisiting the past that we’re able to understand how it shapes us, and begin to free ourselves from its grip.

But how do we do this without getting stuck - or sinking back into old patterns?

When processing something traumatic it’s easy to become overwhelmed or feel emotionally disrupted... 

Stirring up emotions of chaos, numbness, depression, and fear that take over your mood and leave you feeling worse…

Or, it can seem like you’re not making enough progress - that no matter what you try, nothing seems to make a lasting impact, leaving you unsatisfied or right back where you started.

What Prevents You From Moving Forward?

What is the TRUE purpose of ‘visiting’ with past traumatic events ? 

What do you do when you get there?

It can be hard to know where to begin with difficult subjects like these.

It's why we invite you to watch the Recording with Matthias J. Barker and special guest Dr. Frank Anderson, a world-renowned expert in the field of trauma and dissociation.

Let’s talk about WHY you feel stuck - even hopeless, at times - and discuss practical ways you can begin to release these immobilizing feelings of pain and loss.

Inside 'Getting Past Your Past', You’ll Discover:

  • The correct way to understand past traumas and their connection to present day struggles
    (Stop repeating patterns of behavior that hold you back)

  • How to ‘visit with’ traumatic events without getting trapped in them
    (And uncover a viable path to moving forward from trauma inspired by the latest neuroscience)

  • The 3 steps to healing so you achieve true emotional freedom
    (Plus some practical examples for how to successfully navigate each step)

  • How to release emotions and energy trapped in past memories
    (Creating a new sense of lightness and ease in your life)

  • And much, much more!


This event is for you if you're tired of feeling stuck because of a past trauma, and want to relate to present events in a more meaningful way. You’ll get practical tools and guidance on how to let go of past traumas - without stalling in your progress, or retreating into fear-based emotions you don’t want to feel any more. 

Join us to discover real-world solutions for breaking the cycle of pain and stuckness!


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Meet Matthias Barker

Matthias Barker is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), specializing in the treatment of complex trauma, childhood abuse, and marital issues. He holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Northwest University and is currently located in Nashville, Tennessee.

Matthias is widely recognized for his unique approach to making mental health knowledge and skills accessible to the wider public. Matthias delivers psychoeducational content to a following of over 3.5 million people. His innovative blend of engaging content and relevant mental health advice has fostered a vibrant online community centered on healing, personal growth, and moving toward meaning in the midst of hardship.

Meet Frank Anderson

Frank Anderson, MD, is a world-renowned trauma expert, Harvard-trained psychiatrist, global speaker, and acclaimed best-selling author of Transcending Trauma. Dr Anderson has a long affiliation with Bessel van der Kolk at the Trauma Research Foundation and is a lead trainer at the IFS Institute under Richard Schwartz. He is passionate about teaching brain-based psychotherapy and integrating current neuroscience knowledge with cutting-edge models of therapy.

Dr. Anderson believes that traumatic events can have a lasting effect on the health and well-being of individuals and that addressing these events will help lead people down a path of hope, love, and forgiveness. He is the director and co-founder of the Trauma Institute ( and Trauma-Informed Media (, organizations that provide educational resources and promote trauma awareness. As a result of his early childhood experiences and personal journey transformation, he is dedicated to bringing more compassion, unity, and trauma healing to the world. He splits his time between Boston and Los Angeles where he lives with his husband and two sons. Follow him at and on Instagram at frank_andersonmd.